Wednesday, July 24, 2013

DIY Succulent/ Cacti Terrarium

I adore plants and feel they bring such life and color to a room.  That said even with a name like Rose I don't have the greenest thumb :/  I've been eyeing arrangements lately with a mixture of succulents and cactus.  However, similar arrangements at my local market run $50-$125 dollars.  Given my history with plants I was not willing to pay the big bucks for plant arrangements.  After a little thought and research I decided to make my own.

DIY succulent/cacti terrarium you will need:

- a terrarium/glass bowl (I decided to do an open type terrarium so the growth potential is not limited, also succulents and cacti prefer an open less humid environment)  I got mine at Michaels craft store they have a large selection and always have awesome coupons.
- Decorative sand (while at Michaels I also purchased decorative sand in both black and light brown.)
- Small River Rocks, these can be found at Michaels or in aquarium section of pet store
-  Succulents, cactus plants (after pricing these plants I found Home Depot had the best prices at $2.58 per plant
-Cactus/Succulent potting soil (* this is very important, this type of soil does not retain water like regular potting soil.  I also purchased this at Home Depot) I chose Micarle-gro brand

Once you have all your materials, this project only takes minutes to complete.  I'd say it took me less than half an hour.
-First, I placed river rocks on the bottom of glass bowl, to help with drainage of water.
-Next I added both layers of black and light brown sand to give the arrangement appeal to eye.
-I followed that layer with Cactus/Succulent potting soil.
-At this point add plants.  This can be a bit tricky just make sure plants are covered to root tip with soil.
-Mist lightly with water and pack with hands.
-The next few steps are all about being creative add remainder of sand and rocks to make your terrarium appealing and unique to you.
-A beverage straw or paint brush are excellent tools for removing sparse sand and soil from the plants.  Blow gently.
-Lastly, these plants store-water and therefore, need very little water.
-I recommend misting lightly with a water bottle 1x month.

This arrangement cost me less than $25 and is blossoming at a fast pace.  Pics to follow.
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